Source code for phydrus.model

"""This file contains the model class.


import os
from subprocess import run
from logging import getLogger

from numpy import arange, linspace
from pandas import DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, MultiIndex

from .plot import Plots
from .read import read_profile, read_nod_inf, read_run_inf, read_tlevel, \
    read_balance, read_i_check, read_obs_node, read_solute, read_alevel
from .version import __version__

[docs]class Model: """ Basic Phydrus model container. Parameters ---------- exe_name: str String with the path to the Hydrus-1D executable. ws_name: str String with the workspace name. Folder is created if it does not exist. name: str, optional String with the name of the model. description: str, optional String with the description of the model. length_unit: str, optional length units to use in the simulation. Options are "mm", "cm", and "m". Defaults to "cm". time_unit: str, optional time unit to use in the simulation, options are "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days, "years". Defaults to "days". mass_units: str, optional Mass units to use in the simulation, Options are "mmol". Defaults to "mmol". Only used when transport process is added. print_screen: bool, optional Print the results to the screen during code execution. Examples -------- >>> import phydrus as ps >>> ws = "example" >>> exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hydrus") >>> ml = ps.Model(exe_name=exe, ws_name=ws, mass_units="mmol", >>> time_unit="min", length_unit="cm") """
[docs] def __init__(self, exe_name, ws_name, name="model", description=None, length_unit="cm", time_unit="days", mass_units="mmol", print_screen=False): # Set logger to log all events self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.set_executable(exe_name) if not os.path.exists(ws_name): os.mkdir(ws_name)"Directory %s created", ws_name) self.ws_name = ws_name = name self.description = description # Attributes for the physical properties of the model self.profile = None self.materials = None self.obs_nodes = [] self.solutes = [] self.atmosphere_info = None self.atmosphere = None self.drains = None self.times = None # Attributes for the information on the processes self.water_flow = None self.solute_transport = None self.heat_transport = None self.heat_parameters = None self.root_uptake = None self.root_growth = None self.basic_info = { "iVer": "4", "Hed": f"Created with Pydrus version {__version__}", "LUnit": length_unit, "TUnit": time_unit, "MUnit": mass_units, "lWat": False, "lChem": False, "lTemp": False, "lSink": False, "lRoot": False, "lShort": True, "lWDep": False, "lScreen": print_screen, "AtmInf": False, "lEquil": True, "lInverse": False, "lSnow": False, "lHP1": False, "lMeteo": False, "lVapor": False, "lActRSU": False, "lFlux": False, "lIrrig": False, "CosAlfa": 1, } self.plots = Plots(ml=self)
@property def n_materials(self): if self.materials is None: return 0 else: return self.materials.index.size @property def n_solutes(self): return len(self.solutes) @property def n_layers(self): if self.profile is None: return 0 else: return len(self.profile.loc[:, "Lay"].unique())
[docs] def set_executable(self, exe_name): """ Method to set the path to the Hydrus-1D executable. Parameters ---------- exe_name: str String with the path to the Hydrus-1D executable. Examples -------- >>> exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'hydrus.exe') >>> ml.set_executable(exe) Notes ----- This method may also be used to re-set the path to the executable. """ # Store the hydrus executable and the project workspace if not os.path.exists(exe_name): self.logger.error("Path to the Hydrus-1D executable seems " "incorrect, please check the path to the " "executable.") raise FileNotFoundError else: self.exe_name = exe_name
[docs] def add_profile(self, profile): """ Method to add the soil profile to the model. """ self.profile = profile
[docs] def add_material(self, material): """ Method to add a material to the model. Parameters ---------- material: pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the parameter names as columns and the values for each material as one row. The index for each is the reference number for each material and must be unique. The number of columns depends on the water flow model that has been chosen. Examples -------- >>> m = pd.DataFrame({1: [0.08, 0.3421, 0.03, 5, 1, -0.5]}, index=[1], columns=["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n" "Ks", "l"]) >>> ml.add_material(m) See Also -------- phydrus.Model.get_empty_material_df """ if material.columns.size != \ self.get_empty_material_df().columns.size: raise TypeError("the number of parameters (columns) describing " "the material does not match the water flow " "model. Please check the number of parameters.") else: self.materials = material
[docs] def add_drains(self): """ Method to add a drain to the model. Returns ------- """ return NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_obs_nodes(self, depths): """ Method to add observation points. Parameters ---------- depths: list of ints List of floats denoting the depth of the nodes. The depth is defined in the same length unit as selected in ml.model function. The function defines the closest node to the desired depth. """ for obs in depths: nodes = self.profile.iloc[ (self.profile['x'] - obs).abs().argsort()[:1]] node = nodes.index.values.astype(int)[0] self.obs_nodes.append(node)
[docs] def add_waterflow(self, model=0, maxit=10, tolth=1e-3, tolh=1, ha=1e-6, hb=1e4, linitw=False, top_bc=0, bot_bc=0, hseep=0, rtop=None, rbot=None, rroot=None, gw_level=None, aqh=None, bqh=None, hysteresis=0, ikappa=-1): """ Method to add a water_flow module to the model. Parameters ---------- model: int, optional Soil hydraulic properties model: 0 = van Genuchten"s [1980] model with 6 parameters. 1 = modified van Genuchten"s model with 10 parameters [Vogel and Císlerová, 1988]. 2 = Brooks and Corey"s [1964] model with 6 parameters. 3 = van Genuchten"s [1980] model with air-entry value of -2 cm and with 6 parameters. 4 = Kosugi’s [1996] model with 6 parameters. 5 = dual-porosity model of Durner [1994] with 9 parameters. 6 = dual-porosity system with transfer proportional to the effective saturation (9 parameters). 7 = dual-porosity system with transfer proportional to the pressure head (11 parameters). 9 = dual-permeability system with transfer proportional to the pressure head (17 parameters) !!! model>3 options are not available with the major ion chemistry. module. maxit: int, optional Maximum number of iterations allowed during any time step. tolth: float, optional Absolute water content tolerance for nodes in the unsaturated part of the flow region [-]. TolTh represents the maximum desired absolute change in the value of the water content, θ, between two successive iterations during a particular time step. tolh: float, optional Absolute pressure head tolerance for nodes in the saturated part of the flow region [L] (its recommended value is 0.1 cm). TolH represents the maximum desired absolute change in the value of the pressure head, h, between two successive iterations during a particular time step. ha: float, optional Absolute value of the upper limit [L] of the pressure head interval below which a table of hydraulic properties will be generated internally for each material. hb: float, optional Absolute value of the lower limit [L] of the pressure head interval for which a table of hydraulic properties will be generated internally for each material. linitw: bool, optional Set to True if the initial condition is given in terms of the water content. Set to False if given in terms of pressure head. top_bc: int, optional Upper Boundary Condition: 0 = Constant Pressure Head. 1 = Constant Flux. 2 = Atmospheric Boundary Condition with Surface Layer. 3 = Atmospheric Boundary Condition with Surface Run Off. 4 = Variable Pressure Head. 5 = Variable Pressure Head/Flux. bot_bc: int, optional Lower Boundary Condition: 0 = Constant Pressure Head. 1 = Constant Flux. 2 = Variable Pressure Head. 3 = Variable Flux. 4 = Free Drainage. 5 = Deep Drainage. 6 = Seepage Face. 7 = Horizontal Drains. hseep: float, optional Pressure head (i.e., 0) that initiates flow over the seepage face bottom boundary. rtop: float, optional Prescribed top flux [LT-1] (in case of a Dirichlet BC set this variable equal to zero). rbot: float, optional Prescribed bottom flux [LT-1] (in case of a Dirichlet BC set this variable equal to zero). rroot: float, optional Prescribed potential transpiration rate [LT-1] (if no transpiration occurs or if transpiration is variable in time set this variable equal to zero). gw_level: float, optional Reference position of the groundwater table (e.g., the x-coordinate of the soil surface). aqh: float, optional Value of the parameter Aqh [LT-1] in the q(GWL)-relationship. bqh: float, optional Value of the parameter Bqh [L-1] in the q(GWL)-relationship. hysteresis: int, optional Hysteresis in the soil hydraulic properties: 0 = No hysteresis. 1 = Hysteresis in the retention curve only. 2 = Hysteresis in both the retention and hydraulic conductivity functions. 3 = Hysteresis using Robert Lenhard’s model [Lenhard et al., 1991; Lenhard and Parker, 1992]. (Not available with major ion chemistry module.) ikappa: int, optional Set to -1 if the initial condition is to be calculated from the main drying branch. Set to 1 if the initial condition is to be calculated from the main wetting branch. """ # If qgwlf is user as bottom boundary condition if bot_bc == 5: for var in [gw_level, aqh, bqh]: if var is None: raise TypeError("When the groundwater level is used as " "bottom boundary condition, the keyword " "{} needs to be provided".format(var)) # If Constant Flux is used as top boundary condition if top_bc == 1: if rtop is None: raise TypeError("When the Constant Flux is used as top " "boundary condition, the keyword rtop needs " "to be provided") # If Constant Flux is used as bottom boundary condition if bot_bc == 1: if rbot is None: raise TypeError("When the Constant Flux is used as bottom " "boundary condition, the keyword rbot needs " "to be provided") if bot_bc == 7: raise NotImplementedError if self.water_flow is None: self.water_flow = { "MaxIt": maxit, # Maximum No. of Iterations "TolTh": tolth, # [-] "TolH": tolh, # [L], default is 0.1 cm "TopInf": True, "WLayer": False, "KodTop": -1, "lInitW": linitw, "top_bc": top_bc, "bot_bc": bot_bc, "BotInf": False, "qGWLF": False, "FreeD": False, "SeepF": False, "KodBot": -1, # Depends on boundary condition "qDrain": False, "hSeep": hseep, # [L] "rTop": rtop, # [LT-1] "rBot": rbot, # [LT-1] "rRoot": rroot, # [LT-1] "GWL0L": gw_level, # [L] "Aqh": aqh, # [LT-1] "Bqh": bqh, # [L-1] "ha": ha, # [L] "hb": hb, # [L] "iModel": model, "iHyst": hysteresis, "iKappa": ikappa, } self.basic_info["lWat"] = True else: raise Warning("Water flow was already provided. Please delete " "the old information first.")
[docs] def add_atmospheric_bc(self, atmosphere, ldailyvar=False, lsinusvar=False, llai=False, rextinct=0.463, hcrits=1e30, tatm=0, prec=0, rsoil=0, rroot=0, hcrita=1e5, rb=0, hb=0, ht=0, ttop=0, tbot=0, ampl=0): """ Method to add the atmospheric boundary condition to the model. Parameters ---------- atmosphere: pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with at least the following columns: tAtm, Prec, rSoil, rRoot, hCritA, rB, hB, hT, tTop, tBot, and Ampl. ldailyvar: bool, optional True if HYDRUS-1D is to generate daily variations in evaporation and transpiration. False otherwise. lsinusvar: bool, optional True if HYDRUS-1D is to generate sinusoidal variations in precipitation. False otherwise. llai: bool, optional Boolean indicating that potential evapotranspiration is to be divided into potential evaporation and potential transpiration using eq. (2.75) of the manual. rextinct: float, optional A constant for the radiation extinction by the canopy (rExtinct=0.463) [-]. only used when lLai is True. hcrits: float, optional Maximum allowed pressure head at the soil surface [L]. Default is 1e+30. tatm: float, optional Time for which the i-th data record is provided [T]. prec: float, optional Precipitation rate [LT-1] (in absolute value). rsoil: float, optional Potential evaporation rate [LT-1] (in absolute value). rSoil(i) is interpreted as KodTop when a time variable Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition is specified. rroot: float, optional Potential transpiration rate [LT-1] (in absolute value). hcrita: float, optional Absolute value of the minimum allowed pressure head at the soil surface [L]. rb: float, optional Bottom flux [LT-1] (set equal to 0 if KodBot is positive, or if one of the logical variables qGWLF, FreeD or SeepF is .true.). hb: float, optional Groundwater level [L], or any other prescribed pressure head boundary condition as indicated by a positive value of KodBot (set equal to 0 if KodBot is negative, or if one of the logical variables qGWLF, FreeD or SeepF is .true.). ht: float, optional Prescribed pressure head [L] at the surface (set equal to 0 if KodBot is negative). ttop: float, optional Soil surface temperature [oC] (omit if both lTemp and lChem are equal to .false.). tbot: float, optional Soil temperature at the bottom of the soil profile [oC] (omit if both lTemp and lChem are equal to .false., set equal to zero if kBotT=0). ampl: float, optional Temperature amplitude at the soil surface [K] (omit if both lTemp and lChem are equal to .false.). Notes ----- The index of the atmosphere DataFrame should be a RangeIndex with integers. """ if self.atmosphere_info is None: self.atmosphere_info = { "lDailyVar": ldailyvar, "lSinusVar": lsinusvar, "lLai": llai, "lBCCycles": False, "lInterc": False, "lExtinct": rextinct, "hCritS": hcrits, } else: raise Warning("Atmospheric information was already provided. " "Please delete the old information first through " "ml.del_atmosphere().") # Because carbon dioxide transport nor major ion chemistry are # implemented ctop = 0.0 cbot = 0.0 data = {"tAtm": tatm, "Prec": prec, "rSoil": rsoil, "rRoot": rroot, "hCritA": hcrita, "rB": rb, "hB": hb, "ht": ht, "tTop": ttop, "tBot": tbot, "Ampl": ampl, "cTop": ctop, "cBot": cbot} self.atmosphere = DataFrame(data=data, index=atmosphere.index) self.atmosphere.update(atmosphere) # Enable atmosphere module self.basic_info["AtmInf"] = True
[docs] def add_root_uptake(self, model=0, crootmax=0, omegac=0.5, p0=-10, p2h=-200, p2l=-800, p3=-8000, r2h=0.5, r2l=0.1, poptm=None, p50=-800, pexp=3, lsolred=False): """ Method to add rootwater update modeule to the model. Parameters ---------- model: int, optional Type of root water uptake stress response function. 0 = Feddes et al. [1978]. 1 = S-shaped, van Genuchten [1987] crootmax: float, optional Maximum allowed concentration in the root solute uptake term for the first solute [ML-3]. When the nodal concentration is lower than cRootMax, all solute is taken up. When the nodal concentration is higher than cRootMax, additional solute stays behind. omegac: float, optional Maximum allowed concentration in the root solute uptake term for the last solute [ML-3]. p0: float, optional Only used if model=0. Value of the pressure head, h1, below which roots start to extract water from the soil. p2h: float, optional Only used if model=0. Value of the limiting pressure head, h3, below which the roots cannot extract water at the maximum rate (assuming a potential transpiration rate of r2H). p2l: float, optional Only used if model=0. As above, but for a potential transpiration rate of r2L. p3: float, optional Only used if model=0. Value of the pressure head, h4, below which root water uptake ceases (usually equal to the wilting point). r2h: float, optional Only used if model=0. Potential transpiration rate [LT-1] (currently set at 0.5 cm/day). r2l: float, optional Only used if model=0. Potential transpiration rate [LT-1] (currently set at 0.1 cm/day). poptm: list, optional Value of the pressure head, h2, below which roots start to extract water at the maximum possible rate. The length of poptm should equal the No. of materials. p50: float, optioal Only used if model=1. Value of the pressure head, h50, at which the root water uptake is reduced by 50%. Default is -800cm. pexp: float, optional Only used if model=1. Exponent, p, in the S-shaped root water uptake stress response function. Default value is 3. lsolred: bool, optional Set to True if root water uptake is reduced due to salinity. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. """ # Number of pressure heads should equal the number of materials. if poptm: if len(poptm) != self.n_materials: raise Warning("Length of pressure heads poptm does not " "equal the number of materials!") if lsolred: raise Warning("Reduced water uptake due to salinity is not " "implemented yet..") if self.root_uptake is None: self.root_uptake = { "iMoSink": model, "cRootMax": crootmax, "OmegaC": omegac, "POptm": poptm, } if model == 0: self.root_uptake["P0"] = p0 self.root_uptake["P2H"] = p2h self.root_uptake["P2L"] = p2l self.root_uptake["P3"] = p3 self.root_uptake["r2H"] = r2h self.root_uptake["r2L"] = r2l elif model == 1: self.root_uptake["P50"] = p50 self.root_uptake["P3"] = pexp self.basic_info["lSink"] = True else: msg = "Root water uptake model is already present in the model." \ " Remove the old root water uptake model first using " \ "ml.del_root_water_uptake()" raise InterruptedError(msg)
[docs] def add_root_growth(self, irootin=0, ngrowth=None, tgrowth=None, rootdepth=None, irfak=None, trmin=None, trmed=None, trmax=None, xrmin=None, xrmed=None, xrmax=None, trperiod=None): """ Method to add root growth to the model. Parameters ---------- irootin: int 0 = (default) The root depth is specified together with other time-variable boundary condition, such as atmospheric fluxes. 1 = the root depth is given in a table 2 = the root depth is calculated using the growth function. ngrowth: int Number of data points in the root depth table. Only used when irootin = 1. tgrowth: float, optional Days. Only used when irootin = 1. rootdepth: list of float, optional Rooting depth [L]. List has a length of ngrowth. Only used when irootin = 1. irfak: int, optional Method to calculate the root growth factor, r. Only used when irootin = 2. 0= the root growth factor is calculated from given data [xRMed, tRMed]. 1 = the root growth factor is calculated based on the assumption that 50% of the rooting depth, (xRMax+xRMin)/2., is reached at the midpoint of the growing season, (tRMin+tRHarv)/2. trmin: float, optional Initial time of the root growth period [T]. Only used when irootin = 2. trmed: float, optional Time of known rooting depth (set equal to zero if iRFak=1) [T]. Only used when irootin = 2. trmax: float, optional Time at the end of the root water uptake period [T]. Only used when irootin = 2. xrmin: float, optional Initial value of the rooting depth at the beginning of the growth period (recommended value = 1 cm) [L]. Only used when irootin = 2. xrmed: float, optional Value of known rooting depth (set equal to zero if iRFak=1) [L]. Only used when irootin = 2. xrmax: float, optional Maximum rooting depth, which may be reached at infinite time [L]. Only used when irootin = 2. trperiod: float, optional Time period at which the growth function repeats itself. Only used when irootin = 2. """ # Store the root growth information depending on the model. if irootin == 0: root_growth = { "iRootIn": irootin } elif irootin == 1: root_growth = { "iRootIn": irootin, "nGrowht": ngrowth, "tGrwoth": tgrowth, "RootDepth": rootdepth } elif irootin == 2: root_growth = { "iRootIn": irootin, "iRFak": irfak, "tRMin": trmin, "tRMed": trmed, "tRMax": trmax, "xRMin": xrmin, "xRMed": xrmed, "xRMax": xrmax, "tRPeriod": trperiod } if irfak == 1: root_growth["tRMed"] = 0 root_growth["xRMed"] = 0 else: raise Warning("Option %s for irootin is not support in Hydrus." % irootin) if self.root_growth is None: self.root_growth = root_growth self.basic_info["lRoot"] = True else: raise Warning("Root growth model already exists. Please delete " "the old root growth model first using " "ml.del_root_growth().")
[docs] def add_solute_transport(self, model=0, epsi=0.5, lupw=False, lartd=False, ltdep=False, ctola=0, ctolr=0, maxit=0, pecr=2, ltort=True, lwatdep=False, top_bc=-1, bot_bc=0, dsurf=None, catm=None, tpulse=1): """ Method to add solute transport to the model. Parameters ---------- model: int, optional Code describing type of nonequilibrium for solute transport: 0 = equilibrium solute transport (Default) 1 = one-site sorption model (chemical nonequilibrium) 2 = two-site sorption model (chemical nonequilibrium) 3 = two kinetic sorption sites model (attachment/detachment; chemical nonequilibrium). This model is often used for particle (viruses, colloids, bacteria) transport. 4 = two kinetic sorption sites model (attachment/detachment) ( chemical nonequilibrium). Attachment coefficients are calculated using filtration theory. 5 = dual-porosity model (mobile-immobile regions; physical nonequilibrium). 6 = dual-porosity model (mobile-immobile regions) with two-site sorption in the mobile zone (physical and chemical nonequilibrium). 7 = dual-permeability model (physical nonequilibrium). 8 = dual-permeability model with either an immobile region in the matrix domain (physical nonequilibrium) or with two-site sorption in both domains (physical and chemical nonequilibrium). epsi: float, optional Temporal weighing coefficient. 0.0 for an explicit scheme ( Default). 0.5 for a Crank-Nicholson implicit scheme. =1.0 for a fully implicit scheme. lupw: bool, optional True if upstream weighing formulation is to be used. False if the original Galerkin formulation is to be used. lartd: bool, optional True if artificial dispersion is to be added in order to fulfill the stability criterion PeCr (see Section 8.4.4), else False. ltdep: bool, optional True if at least one transport or reaction coefficient (ChPar) is temperature dependent, else False. If ltdep=True, then all values of ChPar(i,M) should be specified at a reference temperature Tr=20 degrees celsius. ctola: float, optional Absolute concentration tolerance [ML-3], the value is dependent on the units used (set equal to zero if nonlinear adsorption is not considered). ctolr: float, optional Relative concentration tolerance [-] (set equal to zero if nonlinear adsorption is not considered). maxit: int, optional Maximum number of iterations allowed during any time step for solute transport - usually 20 (set equal to zero if nonlinear adsorption is not considered). pecr: float optional Stability criteria. Set to zero when lUpW=True. ltort: bool, optional True if the tortuosity factor [Millington and Quirk, 1961] is to be used. False if the tortuosity factor is assumed to be equal to one. lwatdep: bool, optional True if at least one degradation coefficient (ChPar) is water content dependent. top_bc: int, optional Code which specifies the type of upper boundary condition 1 = Dirichlet boundary condition, -1 = Cauchy boundary condition. -2 = a special type of boundary condition for volatile solutes as described by equation (3.46). bot_bc: int, optional Code which specifies the type of lower boundary condition: 1 = Dirichlet boundary condition, 0 = continuous concentration profile, -1 = Cauchy boundary condition. dsurf: float, optional Thickness of the stagnant boundary layer, d [L]. Only when kTopCh=-2. catm: float, optional Concentration above the stagnant boundary layer, g_atm [ML-3]. Only when kTopCh=-2. tpulse: float, optional Time duration of the concentration pulse [T]. See Also -------- phydrus.Model.add_solute """ if ltdep: self.logger.error("Temperature dependency not supported.") raise NotImplementedError if lwatdep: self.logger.error("Water content dependency not supported.") raise NotImplementedError if self.solute_transport is None: self.solute_transport = { "Epsi": epsi, "lUpW": lupw, "lArtD": lartd, "ltDep": ltdep, "cTolA": ctola, "cTolR": ctolr, "MaxItC": maxit, "PeCr": 0 if lupw else pecr, "lTort": ltort, "iBacter": 1 if (model == 3) or (model == 4) else 0, "lFiltr": True if model == 4 else False, "iNonEqual": model, "lWatDep": lwatdep, "lDualEq": True if model == 6 else False, "kTopCh": top_bc, "kBotCh": bot_bc, "dSurf": dsurf, "cAtm": catm, "tPulse": tpulse } self.basic_info["lChem"] = True else: raise Warning("Solute transport model already exists. Please " "delete the old solute transport model first using " "ml.del_solute_transport().")
[docs] def add_solute(self, data, difw=0, difg=0, top_conc=0, bot_conc=0): """ Method to add a solute to the model. Parameters ---------- data: pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the material properties. Get an empty DataFrame for this ml.get_empty_solute_df(). difw: float, optional Ionic or molecular diffusion coefficient in free water, Dw [L2T-1]. difg: float, optional Ionic or molecular diffusion coefficient in gas phase, Dg [L2T-1]. top_conc: float, optional Concentration of the upper boundary, or concentration of the incoming fluid [ML-3]. bot_conc: float, optional Concentration of the lower boundary, or concentration of the incoming fluid [ML-3]. See Also -------- phydrus.Model.get_empty_solute_df phydrus.Model.add_solute_transport """ self.solutes.append({"data": data, "difw": difw, "difg": difg, "top_conc": top_conc, "bot_conc": bot_conc})
[docs] def add_heat_transport(self, parameters, ampl, top_bc, top_temp, bot_bc, bot_temp, tperiod=1, icampbell=1, snowmelt=0.43): """ Method to add heat transport to the model. Parameters ---------- parameters: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame describing the heat transport material properties. An empty DataFrame may be obtained using ml.get_empty_heat_df(). ampl: float, optional Temperature amplitude at the soil surface [K]. top_bc: int, optional Code which specifies the type of upper boundary condition: 1 = Dirichlet boundary condition, -1 = Cauchy boundary condition. top_temp: float, optional Temperature of the upper boundary, or temperature of the incoming fluid [degree Celsius]. bot_bc: int, optional Code which specifies the type of lower boundary condition: 1 = Dirichlet boundary condition, 0 = continuous temperature profile, zero gradient, -1 = Cauchy boundary condition. bot_temp: float, optional Temperature of lower boundary, or temperature of the incoming fluid [degree Celsius]. tperiod: float, optional Time interval for completion of one temperature cycle (usually 1 day, default) [T]. icampbell: int, optional Set equal to 1 if Campbell [1985] formula is to be used to calculate the thermal conductivity (Default). Set equal to 0, when Chung and Horton [1987] formula is to be used. snowmelt: float, optional Amount of snow that will melt during one day for each degree Celsius (e.g., 0.43cm default). Notes ----- This method provides all the information necessary for "Block E - Heat transport information". See Also -------- phydrus.Model.get_empty_heat_df """ if self.heat_transport is None: self.heat_parameters = parameters self.heat_transport = { "Ampl": ampl, "tPeriod": tperiod, "iCampbell": icampbell, "SnowMF": snowmelt, "kTopT": top_bc, "tTop": top_temp, "kBotT": bot_bc, "tBot": bot_temp } self.basic_info["lTemp"] = True else: raise Warning("Heat transport model already exists. Please " "delete the old heat transport model first using " "ml.del_heat_transport().")
[docs] def add_time_info(self, tinit=0, tmax=1, dt=0.01, dtmin=1e-5, dtmax=5, print_times=False, printinit=None, printmax=None, dtprint=None, nsteps=None, from_atmo=False, print_array=None): """ Method to produce time information. Parameters ---------- tinit: int, optional Initial time of the simulation [T]. tmax: int, optional Final time of the simulation [T]. print_times: boolean, optional Set to True. if information of pressure head, water contents, temperatures, and concentrations in observation nodes, and the water and solute fluxes is to be printed at a constant time interval of 1 time unit. printinit: int, optional First specified print-time [T]. printmax:int, optional Last specified print-time [T]. dtprint: int, optional Specified time increment for print times [T]. nsteps: str, optional Number of required time steps between the first specified print-time (printinit) and the final specified print-time (printmax)". from_atmo: boolean, optional. Set to True if time information is determined from the atmospheric boundary condition input data. dt: float, optional Initial time increment [T]. dtmin: float, optional Minimum permitted time increment [T]. dtmax: float, optional Maximum permitted time increment [T]. print_array: array of float, optional Array of specified print-times. """ self.time_info = {"dt": dt, "dtMin": dtmin, "dtMax": dtmax, "dMul": 1.3, "dMul2": 0.7, "ItMin": 3, "ItMax": 7, "MPL": None, "tInit": tinit, "tMax": tmax, "lPrint": print_times, "nPrintSteps": 1, "tPrintInterval": 1, "lEnter": False, "TPrint(1)": None, "TPrint(MPL)": None} if print_array is not None: self.time_info["MPL"] = len(print_array) self.times = print_array return self.times if from_atmo: if self.atmosphere is None: raise Warning("Atmospheric information not provided. Please " "provide atmosheric information through: " "ml.add_atmospheric_bc().") if isinstance(self.atmosphere.index, DatetimeIndex): times = self.atmosphere.index.dayofyear else: times = self.atmosphere.index self.time_info["tInit"] = times[0] self.time_info["tMax"] = times[-1] self.times = times[1:-1] else: if print_times: if printinit is None: printinit = tinit if printmax is None: printmax = tmax if nsteps is None: times = arange(printinit, printmax, step=dtprint) else: times = linspace(printinit, printmax, num=nsteps + 1) if printinit == tinit: self.times = times[1:] else: self.times = times self.time_info["MPL"] = len(self.times) else: self.time_info["MPL"] = 1 self.times = [self.time_info["tMax"]] return self.times
[docs] def simulate(self): """Method to call the Hydrus-1D executable.""" # Remove old Error.msg file if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ws_name, "Error.msg")):"Old 'Error.msg' file removed.") os.remove(os.path.join(self.ws_name, "Error.msg")) # Run Hydrus executable. cmd = [self.exe_name, self.ws_name, "-1"] result = run(cmd) # Provide the user with some feedback about the simulation if result.returncode == 0:"Hydrus-1D Simulation Successful.") else: self.logger.warning("Hydrus-1D Simulation Unsuccessful.") return result
[docs] def write_input(self): """Method to write the input files for the HYDRUS-1D simulation.""" # 1. Write SELECTOR.IN self.write_selector() # 2. Write PROFILE.DAT self.write_profile() # 3. Write ATMOSPH.IN if self.basic_info["AtmInf"]: self.write_atmosphere()
[docs] def write_selector(self, fname="SELECTOR.IN"): """ Write the SELECTOR.IN file. Parameters ---------- fname: str, optional String with the filename. Written to the workspace folder ('ws'). """ self._set_bc_settings() # Create Header string string = "*** BLOCK {:{}{}{}}\n" # Write block A: BASIC INFORMATION lines = [ f"Pcp_File_Version={self.basic_info['iVer']}\n" f"{string.format('A: BASIC INFORMATION ', '*', '<', 72)}" f"{self.basic_info['Hed']}\n{self.description}\n" f"LUnit TUnit MUnit\n{self.basic_info['LUnit']}\n" f"{self.basic_info['TUnit']}\n{self.basic_info['MUnit']}\n" ] vars_list = [["lWat", "lChem", "lTemp", "lSink", "lRoot", "lShort", "lWDep", "lScreen", "AtmInf", "lEquil", "lInverse", "\n"], ["lSnow", "lHP1", "lMeteo", "lVapor", "lActRSU", "lFlux", "lIrrig", "\n"]] for variables in vars_list: lines.append(" ".join(variables)) lines.append(" ".join("t" if self.basic_info[var] else "f" for var in variables[:-1])) lines.append("\n") lines.append(f"NMat NLay CosAlfa \n{self.n_materials}" f" {self.n_layers} {self.basic_info['CosAlfa']}\n") # Write block B: WATER FLOW INFORMATION lines.append(string.format("B: WATER FLOW INFORMATION ", "*", "<", 72)) lines.append("MaxIt TolTh TolH (maximum number of iterations and " "tolerances)\n") variables = ["MaxIt", "TolTh", "TolH"] lines.append( " ".join([str(self.water_flow[var]) for var in variables])) lines.append("\n") vars_list = [["TopInf", "WLayer", "KodTop", "lInitW", "\n"], ["BotInf", "qGWLF", "FreeD", "SeepF", "KodBot", "qDrain", "hSeep", "\n"]] upper_condition = (self.water_flow["KodTop"] < 0 and not self.water_flow["TopInf"]) lower_condition = ((self.water_flow["KodBot"] < 0) and not self.water_flow["BotInf"] and not self.water_flow["qGWLF"] and not self.water_flow["FreeD"] and not self.water_flow["SeepF"]) if upper_condition or lower_condition: vars_list.append(["rTop", "rBot", "rRoot", "\n"]) if self.water_flow["qGWLF"]: vars_list.append(["GWL0L", "Aqh", "Bqh", "\n"]) vars_list.append(["ha", "hb", "\n"]) vars_list.append(["iModel", "iHyst", "\n"]) if self.water_flow["iHyst"] > 0: vars_list.append(["iKappa", "\n"]) for variables in vars_list: lines.append(" ".join(variables)) values = [] for var in variables[:-1]: val = self.water_flow[var] if val is True: values.append("t") elif val is False: values.append("f") else: values.append(f"{val}") values.append("\n") lines.append(" ".join(values)) if self.drains: self.logger.error("Drains are currently not Implemented.") raise # Write the material parameters lines.append(self.materials["water"].to_string(index=False)) lines.append("\n") # Write BLOCK C: TIME INFORMATION lines.append(string.format("C: TIME INFORMATION ", "*", "<", 72)) vars_list = [ ["dt", "dtMin", "dtMax", "dMul", "dMul2", "ItMin", "ItMax", "MPL", "\n"], ["tInit", "tMax", "\n"], ["lPrint", "nPrintSteps", "tPrintInterval", "lEnter", "\n"]] for variables in vars_list: lines.append(" ".join(variables)) values = [] for var in variables[:-1]: val = self.time_info[var] if val is True: values.append("t") elif val is False: values.append("f") else: values.append(str(val)) values.append("\n") lines.append(" ".join(values)) lines.append("TPrint(1),TPrint(2),...,TPrint(MPL)\n") for i in range(int(len(self.times) / 6) + 1): lines.append( " ".join([str(time) for time in self.times[i * 6:i * 6 + 6]])) lines.append("\n") # Write BLOCK D: Root Growth Information if self.basic_info["lRoot"]: lines.append( string.format("D: ROOT GROWTH INFORMATION ", "*", "<", 72)) lines.append(f"iRootDepthEntry\n{self.root_growth['iRootIn']}\n") d = self.root_growth.copy() d.pop("iRootIn") d["\n"] = "\n" lines.append(" ".join(d.keys())) lines.append(" ".join(f"{p}" for p in d.values())) # Write Block E - Heat transport information if self.basic_info["lTemp"]: lines.append(string.format("E: HEAT TRANSPORT INFORMATION ", "*", "<", 72)) lines.append(self.heat_parameters.to_string(index=False)) lines.append( "\n tAmpl tPeriod Campbell SnowMF lDummy lDummy lDummy " "lDummy lDummy\n" "{} {} {} {} f f f f f\n" "kTopT TTop kBotT TBot\n" "{} {} {} {}\n".format(self.heat_transport["Ampl"], self.heat_transport["tPeriod"], self.heat_transport["iCampbell"], self.heat_transport["SnowMF"], self.heat_transport["kTopT"], self.heat_transport["tTop"], self.heat_transport["kBotT"], self.heat_transport["tBot"])) # Write Block F - Solute transport information if self.basic_info["lChem"]: lines.append(string.format("F: SOLUTE TRANSPORT INFORMATION ", "*", "<", 72)) lines.append(" Epsi lUpW lArtD lTDep cTolA cTolR MaxItC PeCr " "No.Solutes lTort iBacter lFiltr nChPar\n" "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n" "iNonEqul lWatDep lDualNEq lInitM lInitEq lTort " "lDummy lDummy lDummy lDummy lCFTr\n" "{} {} {} {} {} {} f f f f f\n".format( self.solute_transport["Epsi"], "t" if self.solute_transport["lUpW"] else "f", "t" if self.solute_transport["lArtD"] else "f", "t" if self.solute_transport["ltDep"] else "f", self.solute_transport["cTolA"], self.solute_transport["cTolR"], self.solute_transport["MaxItC"], self.solute_transport["PeCr"], self.n_solutes, "t" if self.solute_transport["lTort"] else "f", self.solute_transport["iBacter"], "t" if self.solute_transport["lFiltr"] else "f", self.get_empty_solute_df().columns.size + 2, self.solute_transport["iNonEqual"], "t" if self.solute_transport["lWatDep"] else "f", "t" if self.solute_transport["lDualEq"] else "f", "f", "f", "t" if self.solute_transport["lTort"] else "f" )) # Write the material parameters lines.append(self.materials["solute"].to_string(index=False)) lines.append("\n") for sol in self.solutes: lines.append(f"DifW DifG\n{sol['difw']} {sol['difg']}\n" f"{sol['data'].to_string(index=False)}\n") lines.append("kTopSolute SolTop kBotSolute SolBot\n" "{} {} {} {}\n".format( self.solute_transport["kTopCh"], " ".join([f"{s['top_conc']}" for s in self.solutes]), self.solute_transport["kBotCh"], " ".join([f"{s['bot_conc']}" for s in self.solutes]))) if self.solute_transport["kTopCh"] == -2: lines.append("dSurf cAtm\n""{} {}\n".format( self.solute_transport["dSurf"], self.solute_transport["cAtm"])) lines.append("tPulse\n{}\n".format( self.solute_transport["tPulse"])) # Write Block G - Root water uptake information if self.basic_info["lSink"]: lines.append(string.format("G: ROOT WATER UPTAKE INFORMATION ", "*", "<", 72)) vars_list = [["iMoSink", "cRootMax", "OmegaC", "\n"]] if self.root_uptake["iMoSink"] == 0: vars_list.append( ["P0", "P2H", "P2L", "P3", "r2H", "r2L", "\n"]) elif self.root_uptake["iMoSink"] == 1: vars_list.append(["P50", "P3", "\n"]) for variables in vars_list: lines.append(" ".join(variables)) lines.append(" ".join(f"{self.root_uptake[var]}" for var in variables[:-1])) lines.append("\n") lines.append("POptm(1),POptm(2),...,POptm(NMat)\n") lines.append(" ".join(f"{p}" for p in self.root_uptake[ "POptm"])) lines.append("\n") if self.basic_info["lChem"]: lines.append("Solute Reduction\nf\n") # Write Block J - Inverse solution information if self.basic_info["lInverse"]: raise NotImplementedError("The inverse modeling module from " "Hydrus-1D will not be supported. " "Python packages are used for this.") # Write Block K – Carbon dioxide transport information # Write Block M – Meteorological information if self.basic_info["lMeteo"]: raise NotImplementedError # Write END statement lines.append(string.format("END OF INPUT FILE SELECTOR.IN ", "*", "<", 72)) # Write the actual file fname = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) with open(fname, "w") as file: file.writelines(lines)"Successfully wrote %s", fname)
[docs] def write_atmosphere(self, fname="ATMOSPH.IN"): """ Method to write the ATMOSPH.IN file Parameters ---------- fname: str, optional String with the filename. Written to the workspace folder ('ws'). """ # 1 Write Header information lines = [f"Pcp_File_Version={self.basic_info['iVer']}\n", f"*** BLOCK I: ATMOSPHERIC INFORMATION " f"**********************************\nMaxAL " f"(MaxAL = number of atmospheric data-records)\n", f"{self.atmosphere.index.size}\n"] # Print some values vars5 = ["lDailyVar", "lSinusVar", "lLai", "lBCCycles", "lInterc", "\n"] lines.append(" ".join(vars5)) vals = [] for var in vars5[:-1]: val = self.atmosphere_info[var] if var: if val is True: vals.append("t") elif val is False: vals.append("f") else: vals.append(str(val)) lines.append(" ".join(vals)) lines.append(f"\nhCritS (max. allowed pressure head at the soil " f"surface)\n{self.atmosphere_info['hCritS']}\n") lines.append(self.atmosphere.to_string(index=False)) lines.append("\nend*** END OF INPUT FILE ATMOSPH.IN " "**********************************\n") # Write the actual file fname = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) with open(fname, "w") as file: file.writelines(lines)"Successfully wrote %s", fname)
[docs] def write_profile(self, fname="PROFILE.DAT"): """ Method to write the PROFILE.DAT file. Parameters ---------- fname: str, optional String with the filename. Written to the workspace folder ('ws'). """ # Write the actual file fname = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) with open(fname, "w") as file: # 1 Write Header information file.writelines( [f"Pcp_File_Version={self.basic_info['iVer']}\n0\n" f"{self.profile.index.size} {self.n_solutes}" f" {1 if self.basic_info['lChem'] else 0}" f" {1 if self.basic_info['lChem'] else 0}"]) # 2. Write the profile data self.profile.to_string(file) file.writelines( [f"\n{len(self.obs_nodes)}\n", "".join([" {}".format(i) for i in self.obs_nodes])])"Successfully wrote %s", fname)
[docs] def read_profile(self, fname="PROFILE.OUT"): path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) data = read_profile(path=path) return data
[docs] def read_nod_inf(self, fname="NOD_INF.OUT", times=None): path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) data = read_nod_inf(path=path, times=times) return data
[docs] def read_run_inf(self, fname="RUN_INF.OUT", usecols=None): path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) if usecols is None: usecols = ["TLevel", "Time", "dt", "Iter", "ItCum", "KodT", "KodB", "Convergency", ] if self.solute_transport is not None: usecols.append("IterC") data = read_run_inf(path, usecols=usecols) return data
[docs] def read_balance(self, fname="BALANCE.OUT", usecols=None): path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {path} has not been found.") if usecols is None: usecols = ["Area", "W-volume", "In-flow", "h Mean", "Top Flux", "Bot Flux", "WatBalT", "WatBalR"] if self.solute_transport is not None: usecols += ["ConcVol", "ConcVolIm", "cMean", "CncBalT", "CncBalR"] if self.heat_transport is not None: usecols += ["TVol", "TMean"] if self.CO2Transport is not None: usecols += ["COVol", "COMean", "CO2BalT", "CncBalT"] if self.water_flow["iModel"] in [5, 6, 7]: usecols += ["W-VolumeI", "cMeanIm"] data = read_balance(path=path, usecols=usecols) return data
[docs] def read_obs_node(self, fname="OBS_NODE.OUT", nodes=None, conc=False, cols=None): path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) if self.basic_info["lChem"]: conc = True if nodes is None: nodes = self.obs_nodes data = read_obs_node(path=path, nodes=nodes, conc=conc, cols=cols) return data
[docs] def read_i_check(self, fname="I_CHECK.OUT"): path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) data = read_i_check(path) return data
[docs] def read_tlevel(self, fname="T_LEVEL.OUT", usecols=None): path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) if usecols is None: usecols = ["Time", "rTop", "rRoot", "vTop", "vRoot", "vBot", "sum(rTop)", "sum(rRoot)", "sum(vTop)", "sum(vRoot)", "sum(vBot)", "hTop", "hRoot", "hBot", "RunOff", "Volume"] if self.water_flow["iModel"] > 4: usecols.append("Cum(WTrans)") if self.basic_info["lSnow"]: usecols.append("SnowLayer") data = read_tlevel(path=path, usecols=usecols) return data
[docs] def read_alevel(self, fname="A_LEVEL.OUT", usecols=None): path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) data = read_alevel(path=path, usecols=usecols) return data
[docs] def read_solutes(self, fname="SOLUTE{}.OUT", solute=1): if solute: fname = fname.format(solute) path = os.path.join(self.ws_name, fname) data = read_solute(path=path) return data
[docs] def get_empty_material_df(self, n=1): """ Get an empty DataFrame with the soil parameters as columns. Parameters ---------- n: int, optional Number of materials to add. return ---------- pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the soil parameters as columns. Examples -------- >>> m = ml.get_empty_material_df(n=2) >>> m.loc[1:2] = [[0.08, 0.3421, 0.03, 5, 1, -0.5], >>> [0.08, 0.3421, 0.03, 5, 0.1, -0.5]] >>> ml.add_material(m) """ models = { 0: ["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n", "Ks", "l"], 1: ["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n", "Ks", "l", "thm", "tha", "thk", "Kk"], 2: ["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n", "Ks", "l"], 3: ["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n", "Ks", "l"], 4: ["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n", "Ks", "l"], 5: ["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n", "Ks", "l", "w", "Alfa2", "n2"], 6: ["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n", "Ks", "l", "thr_im", "ths_im", "omega"], 7: ["thr", "ths", "Alfa", "n", "Ks", "l", "thr_im", "ths_im", "Alfa_im", "n_im", "Ka"], 9: list(range(17)) } level2 = models[self.water_flow["iModel"]] level1 = ["water"] * len(level2) if self.solute_transport is not None: models = { 0: ["bulk.d", "DisperL", "frac", "mobile_wc"], 1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [] } cols2 = models[self.solute_transport["iNonEqual"]] level1.extend(["solute"] * len(cols2)) level2.extend(cols2) columns = MultiIndex.from_arrays([level1, level2]) return DataFrame(columns=columns, index=arange(1, n + 1), data=0, dtype=float)
[docs] def get_empty_heat_df(self): """Get an empty DataFrame to fill in the heat parameters.""" columns = ["thn", "tho", "lambda", "b1", "b2", "b3", "Cn", "C0", "Cw"] return DataFrame(columns=columns, index=self.materials.index, dtype=float)
[docs] def get_empty_solute_df(self): """Get an empty DataFrame with the solute parameters as columns.""" models = { 0: ["ks", "nu", "beta", "kg", "mu_lw", "mu_ls", "mu_lg", "mu_sw", "mu_ss", "mu_sg", "gamma_w", "gamma_s", "gamma_g", "omega"], 1: ["ks", "nu", "beta", "kg", "mu_lw", "mu_ls", "mu_lg", "mu_sw", "mu_ss", "mu_sg", "gamma_w", "gamma_s", "gamma_g", "omega"], 2: ["ks", "nu", "beta", "kg", "mu_lw", "mu_ls", "mu_lg", "mu_sw", "mu_ss", "mu_sg", "gamma_w", "gamma_s", "gamma_g", "omega"], 3: ["ks", "nu", "beta", "kg", "mu_lw", "mu_ls", "ipsi", "mu_sw", "s_max", "ka2", "kd2", "b1", "ka1", "kd1"], 4: ["ks", "nu", "beta", "kg", "mu_lw", "mu_ls", "dc", "dp", "smax2", "alfa2", "kd2", "smax1", "alfa1", "kd1"], 5: ["ks", "nu", "beta", "kg", "mu_lw", "mu_ls", "mu_lg", "mu_sw", "mu_ss", "mu_sg", "gamma_w", "gamma_s", "gamma_g", "omega"], 6: NotImplementedError, 7: NotImplementedError, 8: NotImplementedError, } df = DataFrame(columns=models[self.solute_transport["iNonEqual"]], index=self.materials.index, data=0, dtype=float) return df
def _set_bc_settings(self): """ Internal method to set the boundary condition settings. Returns ------- Notes ----- topinf: bool, optional Set to True if the surface boundary condition is time-dependent. botinf: bool, optional Set to True if the bottom boundary condition is time-dependent. kodtop: int, optional Code specifying type of boundary condition (BC) for water flow at the surface. 1 for Dirichlet BC and -1 for Neumann BC. Set to 0 when a prescribed BC can change from Dirichlet BC to Neumann BC and vice versa. kodbot: int, optional Code specifying type of boundary condition for water flow at the bottom of the profile. Set to -1 for a Dirichlet BC and to 1 for a Neumann BC. In case of a seepage face or free drainage BC set KodBot=-1. """ if self.water_flow["top_bc"] == 0: self.water_flow["TopInf"] = False self.water_flow["KodTop"] = 1 if self.water_flow["top_bc"] == 1: self.water_flow["TopInf"] = False if self.water_flow["rBot"] is None: self.water_flow["rBot"] = 0 self.water_flow["rRoot"] = 0 if self.water_flow["top_bc"] == 2: self.water_flow["WLayer"] = True if self.water_flow["top_bc"] == 4: self.water_flow["KodTop"] = 1 if self.water_flow["top_bc"] == 5: self.water_flow["KodTop"] = 0 if self.water_flow["bot_bc"] == 0: self.water_flow["KodBot"] = 1 if self.water_flow["bot_bc"] == 1 and self.water_flow["rTop"] is None: self.water_flow["rTop"] = 0 self.water_flow["rRoot"] = 0 if self.water_flow["bot_bc"] == 2: self.water_flow["BotInf"] = True self.water_flow["KodBot"] = 1 if self.water_flow["bot_bc"] == 3: self.water_flow["BotInf"] = True if self.water_flow["bot_bc"] == 4: self.water_flow["FreeD"] = True if self.water_flow["bot_bc"] == 5: self.water_flow["qGWLF"] = True if self.water_flow["bot_bc"] == 6: self.water_flow["SeepF"] = True
# Copy all the docstrings from the read methods Model.read_profile.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_profile.__doc__) Model.read_nod_inf.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_nod_inf.__doc__) Model.read_run_inf.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_run_inf.__doc__) Model.read_balance.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_balance.__doc__) Model.read_obs_node.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_obs_node.__doc__) Model.read_i_check.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_i_check.__doc__) Model.read_tlevel.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_tlevel.__doc__) Model.read_alevel.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_alevel.__doc__) Model.read_solutes.__doc__ = "{}".format(read_solute.__doc__)