Source code for phydrus.plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Plots: """ Class that contains all the methods to plot a Phydrus Model. Parameters ---------- ml: phydrus.Model Phydrus Model Instance to connect the methods to the model. Examples -------- >>> ml.plots.profile() """
[docs] def __init__(self, ml): = ml
[docs] def profile(self, figsize=(3, 6), title=None, cmap="YlOrBr", color_by="Ks", show_grid=True, **kwargs): """ Method to plot the soil profile. Parameters ---------- figsize: tuple, optional Tuple with the size of the figure in inches. title: str, optional String with the title of the Figure. cmap: str, optional String with a named Matplotlib colormap. color_by: str, optional Column from the material properties sed to color the materials. Default is "Ks". show_grid: bool, optional Show the grid in the plot. Default is True. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib axes instance """ _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, **kwargs) top =[:, "x"].max() w =[:, "h"].max() w = w + 0.2 * w # Set colors by color_by col =["water"][color_by] col = (col - col.min()) / (col.max() - col.min()) colors =, 7)(col.values) if show_grid: edgecolor = "darkgray" else: edgecolor = None for i in[1:]: bot =[i, "x"] h = bot - top color = colors[[i, "Mat"] - 1] patch = plt.Rectangle(xy=(0, top), width=w, height=h, linewidth=1, edgecolor=edgecolor, facecolor=color) ax.add_patch(patch) top = bot line = ax.plot([:, ["h"]].values,[:, ["x"]].values, label="Initial head") ax.set_xlim(0, w) ax.set_ylim([:, "x"].min(),[:, "x"].max()) ax.set_xlabel(f"h [{['LUnit']}]") ax.set_ylabel(f"depth [{['LUnit']}]") if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) legend_elements = [line[0]] for i, color in enumerate(colors): legend_elements.append(plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0, color=color, label=f"material {i}")) plt.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc="best") plt.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def profile_information(self, data="Pressure Head", times=None, legend=True, figsize=(5, 3), **kwargs): """ Method to plot the soil profile information. Parameters ---------- data: str, optional String with the variable of the profile information to plot. You can choose between: "Pressure Head", "Water Content", "Hydraulic Conductivity","Hydraulic Capacity", "Water Flux", "Root Uptake", "Temperature". Default is "Pressure Head". times: list of int List of integers of the time step to plot. figsize: tuple, optional legend: boolean, optional Returns ------- ax: matplotlib axes instance """ l_unit =["LUnit"] t_unit =["TUnit"] m_unit =["MUnit"] use_cols = ("Head", "Moisture", "K", "C", "Flux", "Sink", "Temp") col_names = ("Pressure Head", "Water Content", "Hydraulic Conductivity", "Hydraulic Capacity", "Water Flux", "Root Uptake", "Temperature") units = ["h [{}]".format(l_unit), "Theta [-]", f"K [{l_unit}/days]", f"C [1/{l_unit}]", f"v [{l_unit}/{t_unit}]", f"S [1/{t_unit}]", "T [°C]"] if["lChem"]: use_cols = use_cols + ("Conc(1..NS)", "Sorb(1...NS)") col_names = col_names + ("Concentration", "Sorbtion") units.extend([f"c [{m_unit}/{l_unit}*3]", "sorb."]) col = col_names.index(data) _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, **kwargs) dfs = if times is None or len(times) > 1: for key, df in dfs.items(): df.plot(x=use_cols[col], y="Depth", ax=ax, label=f"time={key}") else: dfs.plot(x=use_cols[col], y="Depth", ax=ax, label=f"T {times}") ax.set_xlabel(units[col]) ax.set_ylabel(f"Depth [{['LUnit']}]") ax.grid(linestyle='--') if legend: ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") plt.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def water_flow(self, data="Potential Surface Flux", figsize=(6, 3), **kwargs): """ Method to plot the water flow information. Parameters ---------- data: str, optional String with the variable of the water flow information to plot. You can choose between: "Potential Surface Flux", "Potential Root Water Uptake", "Actual Surface Flux", "Actual Root Water Uptake", "Bottom Flux", "Pressure head at the soil surface", "Mean value of the pressure head over the region", "Pressure head at the Bottom of the soil profile", "Surface runoff", "Volume of water in the entire flow domain". Default is "Potential Surface Flux". figsize: tuple, optional Returns ------- ax: matplotlib axes instance """ col_names = ("Potential Surface Flux", "Potential Root Water Uptake", "Actual Surface Flux", "Actual Root Water Uptake", "Bottom Flux", "Pressure head at the soil surface", "Mean value of the pressure head over the region", "Pressure head at the Bottom of the soil profile", "Surface runoff", "Volume of water in the entire flow domain") cols = ("rTop", "rRoot", "vTop", "vRoot", "vBot", "hTop", "hRoot", "hBot", "RunOff", "Volume") df = col = col_names.index(data) if col < 5: _, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize, **kwargs) df.plot(y=cols[col], ax=axes[0], use_index=True) axes[0].set_ylabel(data) axes[0].set_xlabel(f"Time [{['TUnit']}]") # Cumulative sum df.plot(y=f"sum({cols[col]})", ax=axes[1], use_index=True) axes[1].set_ylabel(f"Cum. {data}") axes[1].set_xlabel(f"Time [{['TUnit']}]") else: _, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, **kwargs) axes.plot(df.index, df[cols[col]]) axes.set_ylabel(data) axes.set_xlabel(f"Time [{['TUnit']}]") plt.tight_layout() return axes
[docs] def soil_properties(self, data="Water Content", figsize=(6, 3), **kwargs): """ Method to plot the soil hydraulic properties. Parameters ---------- data: str, optional String with the variable of the water flow information to plot. You can choose between: "Water Content", "Pressure head", "log Pressure head", "Hydraulic Capacity", "Hydraulic Conductivity", "log Hydraulic Conductivity", "Effective Water Content". Default is "Water Content". figsize: tuple, optional Returns ------- axes: matplotlib axes instance """ col_names = ("Water Content", "Pressure head", "log Pressure head", "Hydraulic Capacity", "Hydraulic Conductivity", "log Hydraulic Conductivity", "Effective Water Content") cols = ("theta", "h", "log_h", "C", "K", "log_K", "S", "Kv") col = col_names.index(data) dfs = _, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, nrows=1, ncols=2, sharey=True, **kwargs) for i, df in dfs.items(): name = f"Node {i}" df.plot(x="h", y=cols[col], ax=axes[0], label=name) df.plot(x="log_h", y=cols[col], ax=axes[1], label=name) axes[0].set_xlabel(xlabel="h") axes[1].set_xlabel(xlabel="log_h") axes[0].set_ylabel(cols[col]) return axes
[docs] def obs_points(self, data="h", figsize=(4, 3), **kwargs): """ Method to plot the pressure heads, water contents and water fluxes. Parameters ---------- data: str, optional String with the variable of the variable to plot. You can choose between: "h", "theta", "Temp", "Conc". figsize: tuple, optional Returns ------- axes: matplotlib axes instance """ dfs = _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, **kwargs) for i, df in dfs.items(): df.plot(y=data, ax=ax, label=f"Node {i}", use_index=True) ax.set_xlabel(f"Time [{['TUnit']}]") ax.set_ylabel(data) return ax